Climate Justice | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Climate Justice

KFTC members speak out at hearing on mountaintop removal

On June 10, several members of KFTC went to Virginia for a congressional committee hearing on mountaintop removal in Virginia. This was a public forum with Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona), the ranking Democratic member of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources. Rep. Grijalva was interested in hearing about the current and legacy impacts of mountaintop removal, including health impacts, and recent decisions by the Trump administration and Congress to take away stream protections and weaken environmental safeguards.

Cincinnati People's Climate Rally!

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth was a co-sponsor of the People's Climate Rally of Cincinnati! Though originally slated to happen on April 29th as a sister rally of the march, it was postponed to June 10th. 

Trump, Congress must stand by coal communities

Coal-mining communities are the backbone of this country. For decades we’ve kept the lights on in America by sacrificing our personal well-being. We need Congress to act to protect the health and pension benefits under threat to expire at the end of this month.

Kentuckians organize for climate justice

This is a critical time in the movement to create jobs, protect our health and climate, and advance a just transition for affected workers and communities.

Trump’s climate denials take away opportunities for jobs and better health in Kentucky

The opportunity Kentuckians have to transition to a clean energy economy is being thwarted by President Trump’s abandonment of U.S. climate commitments to stop harmful pollution, Kentuckians across the state are pointing out.

“I’m stunned that any administration would disrupt 50 years of bipartisan efforts to improve the air we breathe and the water we drink,” said Steve Wilkins of Berea, a member of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. “How easy it is to forget days when people died from chemical hazes and when rivers burst into flames because our companies used our air and water as their dumping grounds.”


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