Climate Justice | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Climate Justice

Scott County Residents Ready for Landfill Hearing

Residents of Scott County have concerns around the existing landfill near Sadieville. From concerns related to the trucks driving narrow roads, recent accidents in the community near the landfill, concerns over failure to guard against potential health impacts in the community, and the recent attempt to expand the landfill, neighbors are coming together to try to fight the landfill.

They get their next chance this Saturday, with a hearing with the Division of Waste Management. The hearing is about a proposed extension of the landfill for five years after it's current permit. This hearing is only about concerns from existing problems, such as odor, noise, operating oustide normal hours, as well as those listed before. Folks are encouraged to document only the concerns of the existing landfill, not to bring up the issues with the proposed expansion.

The hearing will start at 6 pm, and will be held at the Scott County High School gymnasium. Attendees are encouraged to wear blue.

Members Take Stand Against Landfill Expansion

A few months ago the company that runs the Central Kentucky Landfill near Sadieville asked the county for the ability to expand the amount of trash they could take. This expansion would have made the landfill the highest point in Scott County, akin to Mount Rumpke in Colerain Township north of Cincinnati.

350 Louisville: Mobilizing for the Climate

Join other concerned citizens and activist for this 350 Louisville event
focused on both creating change and building community!

Solar jobs soar as Maryland prioritizes renewable energy

Business is booming for Solar Energy World and other solar companies in Maryland, as sun-sourced energy becomes more affordable and accessible. Attracted by solar-friendly policies and mounting demand, solar companies are flocking to the state and hiring in droves.

Nomination of Scott Pruitt to head the U.S. EPA threatens our health and climate

Among the many fossil-fueled extremists and climate deniers nominated by president-elect Donald Trump to lead key federal agencies, Scott Pruitt stands out as an extreme choice.

 Pruitt, who is originally from Danville, Kentucky, is Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He currently serves as Oklahoma Attorney General where he has focused his political career advancing the interests of industrial agriculture and the fossil fuel industry. Along the way he has benefitted handsomely from their direct political contributions and the support of their political action committees.


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