KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


First Few Hours of Operation Voter Madness, Lexington

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 29, 2010

Book about MTR receives Morehead State Award

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on September 29, 2010

by KFTC member Sue Tallichet

Don't Let Coal Ash Poison Our Communities

Posted by: jerry on September 27, 2010

 "We are here today to ask the EPA to create strong and vigorous regulations for coal ash. Kentucky families are at risk from coal ash and strong regulations are long overdue."

Appalachians Demand an End to MTR in Washington D.C. Today

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on September 26, 2010

Teri at App Rising

Voter Registration Deadline is Monday, Oct. 4

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 26, 2010

Appalachia Rising - Live!

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on September 26, 2010

Tell the Candidates Where You Stand on the Issues

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 25, 2010

Voting Rights Testimony for Wastington State Appeal

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 25, 2010


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