KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


First report from our Voting Rights Day

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on March 7, 2012

"Hands across Pine Mountain"

Posted by: Tanya Turner on March 6, 2012

House budget falls about 30% short of what Kentuckians deserve

Posted by: Jessica Hays on March 6, 2012

Kentuckians deserve a good quality of life, with good jobs, access to quality educations, vibrant communities, and healthy families.

Voting Rights Rally and Lobby Day is next week!

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on March 1, 2012

Join us in Frankfort next Thursday, March 8, for our Voting Rights Rally and Lobby Day. Our Voting Rights amendment, which would restore the vote to the 186,000 former felons who have served their debt to society has unprecedented momentum this year. After passing out of the House by a vote of 78-18, it was assigned to a much friendlier Senate committee than in years past. It is crucial that we have a large presence at the capitol on Thursday to ensure that our bill gets heard and voted out of the Senate. Sign up to attend today!


Voting Rights Lobby Day and Rally
Thursday, March 8
9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Mountain Witness Tour with Perry & Letcher Chapter Members

Posted by: Tanya Turner on February 29, 2012

40th Commemoration of the Buffalo Creek Disaster

Posted by: Tanya Turner on February 28, 2012

Lobby Day highlights the promise of clean energy

Posted by: Amy Hogg on February 28, 2012

More than 60 citizen lobbyists came to Frankfort on Tuesday to talk to legislators about the promise of clean energy.

KFTC members bring pinwheels and love to Frankfort

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 28, 2012

Wilson Creek residents will continue fight for protections

Beverly May
Posted by: KFTC on February 28, 2012

Wilson Creek residents are looking to state officials to find new ways to protect their land, water, health and community after a Kentucky Court of Appeals panel struck down restrictions on any str

Governor announces "Blue Ribbon Commission" on tax reform

Posted by: Jessica Hays Lucas on February 28, 2012

The Governor's office released the list of people who've been appointed to the Blue Ribbon Commission to study tax reform.


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