Harlan County | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Chapter: Harlan County

In Harlan County and eastern Kentucky, we have a rich culture, natural beauty, valuable resources such as mountains, forests and water, and a history worth preserving. We are a chapter of KFTC because we believe that these assets and characteristics define who we are, and in preserving and protecting them we are defending a way of life and leaving what is most special about this place for future generations.

Harlan County residents helped create KFTC, and we are one of its earliest chapters. Our local chapter was built on the dedication and struggles of many who came before us, and since 1981 we’ve continued their efforts. Through the years, we have been involved in successful campaigns to save the upper elevations of Black Mountain (Kentucky’s highest peak) from strip mining and logging, help communities win water lines and a new bridge, and so much more.

Today we are working to build new power in the mountains to protect the water and a way of life threatened by destructive mining methods, while  supporting KFTC’s broader efforts to make coal mines safer for miners, fully fund schools and keep college affordable, bring clean energy jobs to this area and expand voting rights.

Recent Activities

East Kentucky chapters celebrate the holidays together!

Across the state, our chapters are using the holidays to celebrate an amazing year of work and are building excitement for the coming year of action for justice!  Our four eastern Kentucky chapters did this together in Whitesburg this week.   Over forty people turned out to celebrate each other, raise a little money together, and look forward to 2013.

EKY Holiday Party

Clean water still the goal in state enforcement case

An agreement between Beshear administration and Frasure Creek Mining is not fair, reasonable or in the public interest, Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd was told Monday afternoon.

TWO Singing For Democracy Gospel Festivals soon

We've held nine Singing For Democracy Gospel Fests over the last few years to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their time.


Historic agreement means water quality improvements

Floyd Co water

KFTC’s effort to improve the water quality and thereby protect the health of people in eastern Kentucky took a significant step forward Friday with the filing of a settlement in the Clean Water Act case against the International Coal Group (ICG).

“We know that to create a better future for eastern Kentucky, we have to have water that is safe to drink and a more diverse economy,” said KFTC member Ted Withrow. “This agreement gives us the right, as Kentuckians, to know what’s in our water and to work to restore and maintain its quality.”

Big Weekend Push to the Oct 9th Voter Registration Deadline!

gIMG_6731The voter registration deadline is just a few days away on Tuesday, October 9th.

KFTC chapters across the commonwealth have already registered thousands of voters in recent weeks, but in these last few days, we’ll be pulling out all the stops, registering voters at:

An array of events over three days as part of Northern Kentucky Loves Democracy A table at this weekend’s Swappin’ Meetin’ in Harlan County The Festival of the Horse in Scott County A 36 hour straight voter registration marathon in Lexington! And a 48-hour-straight voter registration marathon in Louisville!! And much more!


Contact your local KFTC Organizer to see if there are voter registration events in your area this weekend, and come on out and join us!

Or if you can’t do that, at least make sure you and your friends and family are all set to vote.


Chapter Feature:

DSC_0931"Many of us are working to create a better future for our children and grandchildren - and we've got lots of possibilities and real ideas about how to do that. We've got a bright future if we want it."

- Carl Shoupe, Benham, KY


Visions from Black Mountain coverVisions from Black Mountain

Residents of Benham, Lynch and Cumberland share their visions for the unique Tri-Cities area.

Regular Meetings:

We meet every other even month on the second Thursday at 6 p.m. We move our meeting locations around the county. Check the calendar!

Chapter Organizer:

131 N. Mill Street
London, KY 40741